College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
1H11.20 - Tennis Ball Cannon - T-Shirt Cannon
- Michael Courtney and Amy Courtney, "Acoustic Measurement of Potato Cannon Velocity", TPT, Vol. 45, #8, Nov. 2007, p. 496.
- Brett Taylor, "Recoil Experiments Using a Compressed Air Cannon", TPT, Vol. 44, #9, Dec. 2006, p. 582.
- Laura Hendrix, "Labs That Are a Blast", TPT, Vol. 34, #4, Apr. 1996, p. 212.
- Joseph M. Zayas, "Experimental Determination of the Coefficient of Drag of a Tennis Ball", AJP, Vol. 54, #7, July 1986, p. 622.
- William Gurstelle, "I Defend my Backyard with a Bottle Bazooka", Popular Science, Vol. 288, #1, Jan/Feb 2016, p. 90.
- William Gurstelle, "Hurl Wiffle Balls At 50 MPH—With A Leaf Blower", Popular Science, Vol. 286, #9, Sept. 2014, p. 69.
- Richard E. Berg, "Demo Hints: Vacuum 'Bazooka'", PIRA, Vol. 3, #6, Oct. 1988, p. 4.
- D. Rae Carpenter Jr. and Richard B. Minnix, "M-562. Tennis Ball Cannon", DICK and RAE Physics Demo Notebook, 1993.
- Aaron Titus, Stephen Irons, and Mike Timmins, "Vacuum Cannon Question", Tap-L Discussion, 10/03/2002.
- Neil A. Downie, "9. Vacuum Bazooka", Vacuum Bazookas, Electric Rainbow Jelly and 27 Other Saturday Science Projects, p. 70 - 79.
- Jian Q. Shao, "Vinegar Cannon", 29:131 - General Laboratory, Class Project Presentation, 05/01/1998.
- Tik L. Liem, "6.5. The Lighter-Fuel Cannon", Invitations to Science Inquiry – Second Edition, p. 183.
- Steve Shropshire, "Demos That Burn, Demos That Boom: Softball Cannon Activity", AAPT Summer Meeting 1998, Session CA5.
- Steve Shropshire, "Demos That Burn, Demos That Boom: Potato Gun Projectile Motion Activity/Lab", AAPT Summer Meeting 1998, Session CA5.
- Steve Shropshire, "Demos That Burn, Demos That Boom: Tennis Ball Cannon Action/Reaction Demo", AAPT Summer Meeting 1998, Session CA5.
- William Gurstelle, "Build a T-Shirt Cannon", Popular Mechanics, Oct. 2011, p. 108.
- Peyton D. Woodson, "'Toy Gun' Mishap Blinds Teen", Star-Telegram, 04/16/2003.
Disclaimer: These demonstrations are provided only for illustrative use by persons affiliated with The University of Iowa and only under the direction of a trained instructor or physicist. The University of Iowa is not responsible for demonstrations performed by those using their own equipment or who choose to use this reference material for their own purpose. The demonstrations included here are within the public domain and can be found in materials contained in libraries, bookstores, and through electronic sources. Performing all or any portion of any of these demonstrations, with or without revisions not depicted here entails inherent risks. These risks include, without limitation, bodily injury (and possibly death), including risks to health that may be temporary or permanent and that may exacerbate a pre-existing medical condition; and property loss or damage. Anyone performing any part of these demonstrations, even with revisions, knowingly and voluntarily assumes all risks associated with them.