2B30.45 - Water Column - Water Barometer

Code Number:
Demo Title:
Water Column - Water Barometer
Air Pressure
Area of Study:
Heat & Fluids
Large Water Columns, Pyrex Pan, and Laminated Note Card.

Video Credit: Jonathan M. Sullivan-Wood

Fill the glass or Plexiglas column completely with water.  Put about 2 inches of water into the Pyrex pan.  Place the laminated note card over the mouth of the column and invert this into the Pyrex pan.  The water in the column should not drain into the pan.

NOTE: Do Not remove the note card from the mouth of the column until it is completely under water in the pan.

Fill the soda bottle with water holding your finger over the hole in the side.  Screw the cap on tightly and remove your finger showing that only several drips exit from the hole.  Loosen the cap and the observe the water stream.

  • Bing-Hong Ku and Chyong-Sun Chen, "The Jar Magic — Instructional Activities for Teaching Air Pressure", TPT, Vol. 51, #9, Dec. 2013, p. 557. 
  • V. Frohne, "Water Barometer Made Easy", TPT, Vol. 51, #2, Feb. 2013, p. 70. 
  • Alexander Kazachkov, Dmitriy Kryuchkov, Courtney Willis, and John C. Moore, "An Atmospheric Pressure Ping-Pong 'Ballometer'", TPT, Vol. 44, #8, Nov. 2006, p. 492.
  • Robert M. Dieffenbach, "An Algebarometer", TPT, Vol. 41, #3, Mar. 2003, p. 184.
  • James O'Connell, "Boyle Saves a Spill", TPT, Vol. 36, #2, Feb. 1998, p. 74.
  • Russel Akridge, "Water Barometer", TPT, Vol. 31, #3, Feb. 1993, p. 110.
  • George W. Ficken Jr., "More on the Inverted Glass", TPT, Vol. 26, #8, Nov. 1988, p. 491.
  • Walter Thumm, "A Question of Air Pressure", TPT, Vol. 11, #4, Apr. 1973, p. 242, also A Potpourri of Physics Teaching Ideas - Heat and Fluids, p. 117.
  • Paul R. Camp, "Simple Lecture Demonstration of Atmospheric Pressure, Dissolved Gases in Liquid, and Cavitation", AJP, Vol. 44, #6, June 1976, p. 604.
  • Hans de Grys and Martin Bartholow, "Thirty Feet and Rising: Constructing and Using a Water Barometer To Explore Chemical Principles", Journal of Chemical Education, Vol. 80, #10, Oct. 2003, p. 1156.
  • "F-310. Water Upside Down on Card", DICK and RAE Physics Demo Notebook, 1993.
  • "Floating Water Magic Trick", 50 Fun Experiments for the Mad Scientist in You, National Geographic Kids, p. 79.
  • Carson I. A. Ritchie, "Homemade Water Barometer", Making Scientific Toys, p. 122.
  • Charles Vivian, "Carry a Column of Water", Science Experiments & Amusements For Children, p. 61.
  • Vicki Cobb and Kathy Darling, "Water Tower", Bet You Can!, p. 62.
  • Vicki Cobb and Kathy Darling, "Inflation?", Bet You Can!, p. 64.
  • Vicki Cobb and Kathy Darling, "The Leak-Proof Hole", Bet You Can't!, p. 51.
  • Vicki Cobb and Kathy Darling, "Blowing a Chance", Bet You Can't!.
  • "The Power of Air Pressure", The Boy Scientist, p. 55.
  • Janice VanCleave, "10, Inverted Glass", Teaching the Fun of Physics, p. 21.
  • Janice VanCleave, "9, Squirting Bottle", Teaching the Fun of Physics, p. 20.
  • Janice VanCleave, "8, Two Worse Than One?", Teaching the Fun of Physics, p. 19.
  • Jearl Walker, "1.120. Pouring: Inverted Glass, Yard-of-Ale", The Flying Circus of Physics Ed. 2, p. 134.
  • Robert Ehrlich, "H.7. Card Under a Water-Filled Bottle", Turning the World Inside Out and 174 Other Simple Physics Demonstrations, p. 102 - 103.
  • Cy Tymoney, "Air Pressure Demonstration II", Sneakiest Uses for Everyday Things, p. 19.
  • Cy Tymoney, "Air Pressure Demonstration I", Sneakiest Uses for Everyday Things, p. 18.
  • "Holding Water in a Glass with a Card (Air Pressure)", Physics From the Junk Drawer, 3rd Edition, The Science House, North Carolina State University, p. 20.
  • Bobby Mercer, "Super Squirt Bottle", Junk Drawer Physics, p. 164.
  • Herb Strongin, “Using Air to Stop a Waterfall“, Science on a Shoestring, p. 32. 

Disclaimer: These demonstrations are provided only for illustrative use by persons affiliated with The University of Iowa and only under the direction of a trained instructor or physicist.  The University of Iowa is not responsible for demonstrations performed by those using their own equipment or who choose to use this reference material for their own purpose.  The demonstrations included here are within the public domain and can be found in materials contained in libraries, bookstores, and through electronic sources.  Performing all or any portion of any of these demonstrations, with or without revisions not depicted here entails inherent risks.  These risks include, without limitation, bodily injury (and possibly death), including risks to health that may be temporary or permanent and that may exacerbate a pre-existing medical condition; and property loss or damage.  Anyone performing any part of these demonstrations, even with revisions, knowingly and voluntarily assumes all risks associated with them.