5H10.55 - Gaussmeters

Code Number:
Demo Title:
Magnetic Field Measurements
Area of Study:
Electricity & Magnetism
Model GM1A Gaussmeter with Axial and Transverse Probes, Model 4060 ELF Meter (Extremely Low Frequency) (AC Magnetic Fields).

The Gaussmeters are used to measure magnetic fields and their strengths. The axial probe is used to measure inside coils as the Hall Effect chip used in the probes need to be perpendicular to the magnetic field for measurements to take place. The ELF meter is used generally for measuring the magnetic fields associated with AC power lines and electrical motors and other electrical devices.

Insert the Gaussmeter probe between the poles of an electromagnet.  Turn on the electromagnet and see just how powerful your electromagnet is.

  • Joshua A. H. Littleton and Richard Secco, "An Indoor Magnetic Exploration Survey", TPT, Vol. 56, #8, Nov. 2018, p. 544.
  • Chih-Ta Chia and Ya-Fan Wang.  "The Magnetic Field Along the Axis of a Long Finite Solenoid",  TPT, Vol. 40, # 5, p. 288, May 2002.
  • Martin Connors,  "Measurement and Analysis of the Field of Disk Magnets",  TPT, Vol. 40, # 5, p. 308, May 2002.
  • J. L. Sandoval, A. Porta, and P. Segarra, "Measuring Magnetic Force and Magnetic Field of Small Permanent Magnets", TPT, Vol. 28, # 2, Feb. 1990, p. 124.
  • Paul A. Bender.  "Measuring Magnetic Fields With an IC Chip in the Introductory Lab",  AJP,  89, Vol. 54, # 1, January 1986.
  • Thomas B. Gabrielson, "Oatmeal-Box Magnetometer", Apparatus for Teaching Physics, p. 178, Edited by Karl Mamola.
  • B. D. Sukheeja, D. K. Kohli, "Charge Amplifier Type of Flux Meter", Apparatus for Teaching Physics, p. 180, Edited by Karl Mamola.
  • Curt Suplee, "Magnetism and our lives", Everyday Science Explained, National Geographic, p. 84.

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