7B13.54 - Quantum Dots

Code Number:
Demo Title:
Quantum Dots
Area of Study:
Modern Physics
Quantum Dots, UV lights, Ocean Optics spectrometer.

Quantum Dots are structures with the same composition but different sizes.  The size determines the color with which it fluoresces.   These are generally used as markers to monitor  chemical, genetic, and protein reactions.

Illuminate the dots with a UV light.  Place the Ocean Optics fiber optics cable at 90 degrees to the UV light and observe the fluorescent spectra of each dot sample.  

  • Ngo Khoa Quang, "Carbon Nanodots in Beer and Cola: An Interesting Way to Introduce Nanomaterials and Their Applications", TPT, Vol. 60, #7, Oct. 2022, p. 588.
  • Timothy A. Laubach, Lee A. Elizondo, Patrick J. McCann, and Shahryar Gilani, "Quantum Dotting the 'i' of Inquiry: A Guided Inquiry Approach to Teaching Nanotechnology", TPT, Vol. 48, #3, Mar. 2010, p. 186.
  • Alex Lopatka, "Makers of Quantum Dots Share Nobel Prize in Chemistry", Physics Today, Vol. 76, #12, Dec. 2023, p. 16.
  • Marco Bettinelli, Luis Carlos, and Ziaogang Liu, "Lanthanide-Doped Upconversion Naneparticles", Physics Today, Vol. 68, #9, Sep. 2015, p. 38.
  • Fernando D. Stefani, Jacob P. Hoogenboom, and Eli Barkai, "Beyond Quantum Jumps: Blinking Nano-Scale Light Emitters", Physics Today, Vol. 62, #2, Feb. 2009, p. 34.
  • Mark Wilson, "Engineering the Energy Levels in Quantum Dots Leads to Optical Gain", Physics Today, Vol. 60, #7, July 2007, p. 19.
  • Charles Day, "Genetically Engineered Fluorescent Protein Lights Up the Course of Electrical Signals in Mouse Hearts", Physics Today, Vol. 59, #5, May 2006, p. 18.
  • Yongsheng Li, Xiaoxia Zhong, Amanda E. Rider, Scott A. Furman, Kostya (Ken) Ostrikov, "Fast, Energy-Efficient Synthesis of Luminescent Carbon Quantum Dots", Green Chemistry, 2014, 16, 2566-2570.
  • Samuel Rhodes, "The Determination of Quantum Dot Radii in Various Solutions", Department of Astronomy and Physics, Lycoming College, Willamsport, PA  17701.

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