College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
8A50.80 - Neptune
Videos and web images are available from the Voyager spacecraft mission. Choose those that are appropriate for your session.
- Siddharth Bhatnagar, Jayanth P. Vyasanakere, Jayant Murthy, "A Geometric Method to Locate Neptune", AJP, Vol. 89, #5, May 2021, p. 454.
- E. M. King, J. M. Aurnou, "Demystifying the Ice Giants Puzzling Poles", Physics Today, June 2013, p. 17.
- Deborah Kent, "The Curious Aftermath of Neptune's Discovery", Physics Today, Dec. 2011, p. 46.
- Tristan Guillot, "Probing the Giant Planets", Physics Today, April 2004, p. 63.
- Janice VanCleave, "Planet Facts and Figures", A+ Projects in Astronomy, pp. 193.
- S.M. Krimigis, "The Magnetosphere of Neptune", The Planetary Report, Vol. XII No 2, March/April 1992.
- Physics History, "September 23, 1846: Neptune's Existence Observationally Confirmed", APS News, Vol. 29, #8, Sept. 2020, p. 2 & 3.
- Kendra Redmond, "Aug. 25, 1989: Humanity Glimpses Neptune Up Close", APS News, Vol. 33, #7, July/Aug. 2024.
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