College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
8A60.25 - Asteroids
Place the desired "asteroid" onto the rotating platform and secure with some modeling clay if needed. Positon the light sensor and the light source so that they are pointing in the same directiion onto the asteroid. Note the light curves for each different kind of "asteroid" as the platform is rotated.
- Joseph C. Amato, "DART: Planetary Defense in the Introductory Physics Curriculm", TPT, Vol. 60, #6, Sept. 2022, p. 406.
- Julie Ziffer, William Morse, Tyler Nelson, Paul Nakroshis, Benjamin T. Rudnick, Max Brautigam, and Wesley Parker, "Practicing Spatial Relationship Skills Using an Asteroid 3-D Tool", TPT, Vol. 57, #1, Jan. 2019, p. 14.
- Vincent Pereira, Justin Millan, and Emerick Martin, "Identification and Calculation of the Three-Dimensional Orbit of an Asteroid", TPT, Vol. 51, #5, May 2013, p. 303.
- Donald Metz and Arthur Stinner, "Deep Impact: The Physics of Asteroid/Earth Collisions", TPT, Vol. 40, #8, Nov. 2002, p. 487.
- Julio Gratton and Carlos Alberto Perazzo, "Catastropic Bolide Impacts on the Earth: Some Estimates", AJP, Vol. 74, #9, Sept. 2006, p. 789.
- James A. Van Allen, "Encounter of an Asteroid with a Planet", AJP, Vol. 74, #8, Aug. 2006, p. 717.
- Pirooz Mohazzabi and James A. Luecke, "Asteroid Impact and Eccentricity of Earth's Orbit", AJP, Vol. 71, #7, July 2003, p. 687.
- Brian K. Arbic, Brandon C. Johnson, Vasily Titov, "The Tsunami Triggered by the Chicxulub Impact", Physics Today, Vol. 77, #8, Aug. 2024, p. 54.
- Mark Boslough, "The Threat From Cosmic Flotsam", Physics Today, Vol. 77, #7, July 2024, p. 54.
- Benjamin P. Weiss, Linda T. Elkins-Tanton, "Journey to a Metal World", Physics Today, Vol. 77, #5, May 2024, p. 54.
- Marc Neveu, "Ceres, A Window Into How Planets Could Harbor Life", Physics Today, Vol. 76, #12, Dec. 2023, p. 54.
- Sarah Greenstreet, "Asteroids in the Inner Solar System", Physics Today, Vol. 74, #7, July 2021, p. 42.
- Troy Shinbrot, "Interplanetary Sand Traps", Physics Today, Vol. 70, #8, Aug. 2017, p. 78.
- David Kramer, "Effort in Asteroid Defense Under Way Despite Funding Constraints", Physics Today, Vol. 70, #2, Feb. 2017, p. 31.
- David Kramer, "How Many Asteroids Are Out There, Exactly?", Physics Today, Vol. 68, #9, Sep. 2015, p. 22.
- David A. Kring and Mark Boslough, "Chelyabinsk: Portait of an Asteroid Airburst", Physics Today, Vol. 67, #9, Sept. 2014, p 32.
- Charles Day, "Thermal Cycling Breaks Down Asteroid Boulders", Physics Today, Vol. 67, #6, June 2014, p. 16.
- Richard J. Fitzgerald, "The Chaotic Orbits of Asteroids and Earth", Physics Today, Vol. 64, #9, Sept. 2011, p. 22.
- Steven K. Blau, "An Asteroid's Composition", Physics Today, Vol. 62, #5, May 2009, p. 21.
- Poch, Et al., "Ammonium Salts Are A Reservoir Of Nitrogen On A Cometary Nucleus And Possibly On Some Asteroids", Science, Vol. 367, # 6483, March 13, 2020, p. 1212.
- Elizabeth Pennisi, "A Killer Impact and its Aftermath", Vol. 366, #6472, Dec. 2020, p. 1436.
- Paul Voosen, "A Close-Up of a Far-Out Object", Vol. 366, #6472, Dec. 2020, p. 1439.
- Nola Redd, "Rock Seen Inside Venus's Orbit Could Solve Puzzle", Science, Vol. 369, # 6499, July 3, 2020, p. 17.
- R. Jaumann, N. Schmitz, T.-M. Ho, S. E. Schröder, K. A. Otto, K. Stephan, S. Elgner, K. Krohn, F. Preusker, F. Scholten, J. Biele, S. Ulamec, C. Krause, S. Sugita, K.-D. Matz, T. Roatsch, R. Parekh, S. Mottola, M. Grott, P. Michel, F. Trauthan, A. Koncz, H. Michaelis1,C. Lange, J. T. Grundmann, M. Maibaum, K. Sasaki, F. Wolff, J. Reill, A. Moussi-Soffys, L. Lorda, W. Neumann, J.-B. Vincent, R. Wagner, J.-P. Bibring, S. Kameda, H. Yano, S. Watanabe, M. Yoshikawa, Y. Tsuda, T. Okada, T. Yoshimitsu, Y. Mimasu, T. Saiki, H. Yabuta, H. Rauer, R. Honda, T. Morota, Y. Yokota, and T. Kouyama, "Images From the Surface of Asteroid Ryugu Show Rocks Similar to Carbonaceous Chondrite Meteorites", Science, Vol. 365, #6455, Aug. 2019, p. 817.
- Paul Voosen, "Ice Age Impact", Science, Vol. 362, #6416, Nov. 2018, p. 738.
- Paul Voosen, "NASA's Asteroid Explorer Dawn Soon to go Dark", Science, Vol. 362, #6412, Oct. 2018, p. 275.
- Paul Voosen, "Meteorite Divide Points to Solar System Chaos", Science, Vol. 359, #6383, Mar. 2018, p. 1451.
- "Siberian Meteor Blast Delivers a Warning Shot", Science, Vol. 342, #6165, Dec. 2013, p. 1439.
- Clark R. Chapman, "The Nature of Asteroids", Scientific American, Vol. 232, #1, Jan. 1975, p. 24.
- Jennifer Leman, "Could a Cosmic Lasso Divert Extinction-Level Asteroids?", Popular Mechanics, Nov./Dec. 2020, p. 24.
- Sarah Z. Wexler, "How to Land on a Comet", Popular Mechanics, Vol. 191, #11, Nov. 2014, p. 20.
- S.F., "A Centaur With Rings", Popular Mechanics, Vol. 191, #6, June 2014, p. 14.
- Sarah Fecht, "The Asteroid Threat, Visualized", Popular Mechanics, Vol. 191, #3, Mar. 2014, p. 11.
- Mary Beth Griggs, "Yes, a Killer Asteroid Could Hit Earth", Popular Science, Vol. 290, #6, Winter 2018, p. 20.
- Sarah Fecht, "The Mission To Visit A Killer Asteroid", Popular Science, Vol. 288, #5, Sept/Oct. 2016, p. 38.
- Junnie Kwon, "This App Lets Anyone Hunt Asteroids", Popular Science, Vol. 287, #6, June 2015, p. 70.
- Katie Peek, "Dawn Gets A Close-Up Of An Ex-Planett", Popular Science, Vol. 287, #3, Mar. 2015, p. 32.
- James Vlahos, "How We're Finding Asteroids Before They Find Us", Popular Science, Vol. 287, #5, May 2014, p. 63.
- Dave Dietzler, "Asteroid Mining For Space Travel", Ad Astra, Vol. 27, #2, Summer 2015, p. 26.
- James C. Howe, "Common Ground: Asteroid Mining and Planetary Defense", Ad Astra, Vol. 27, #2, Summer 2015, p. 22.
- Russell L. Schweickart, "Dealing with the Threat of Impact: Detection, Deflection, or Deep Impact", Ad Astra, Vol. 20, #4, Winter 2008, p. 30.
- David Kutliroff, "How Empty is Space in the Macrocosm?", 101 Classroom Demonstrations and Experiments for Teaching Physics, p. 122 - 124.
- Janice VanCleave, "31, Space Rocks", 204 Stick, Gloppy, Wacky, and Wonderful Experiments, p. 19.
- Janice VanCleave, "30, Minor Planets", 204 Stick, Gloppy, Wacky, and Wonderful Experiments, p. 18.
- Jeff Hecht, "Global Catastrophes", Analog Science Fiction/Facts, p. 78 - 89.
- Jogn G. Cramer, "Killer Asteriods and You", Analong Science Fiction/Facts, p. 208 - 213.
- Jearl Walker, "1.157, The Home of the Little Prince", The Flying Circus of Physics, p. 73.
- "Largest Impact Crater", Guinness Book of World Records, 2003, p. 76.
- Kaplan et al, "Bright Carbonate Veins on Asteroid (101955) Bennu: Implications for Aqueous Alteration History", Science, Vol. 370, #6517, Nov. 2020, p. 676.
- Simon et al, "Widespread Carbon-Bearing Materials on Near-Earth Asteroid (101955) Bennu", Science, Vol. 370, #6517, Nov. 2020, p. 675.
- D. N. Dellagiustina et al, "Variations in Color and Reflectance on the Surface of Asteroid (101955) Bennu", Science, Vol. 370, #6517, Nov. 2020, p. 674.
- Keith T. Smith, Kip V. Hodges, "Sampling the Early Solar System", Science, Vol. 370, #6517, Nov. 2020, p. 672.
- Francesca Demeo, "Meet the Primordial Asteroid Family", Science, Vol. 357 #6355, Sept. 2017, p. 972
- Delbo, Walsh, Bolin, Avdellidou, Morbidelli, "Identification of a Primordial Asteroid Family Constrains the Original Planetesimal Population", Science, Vol. 357 #6355, Sept. 2017, p. 1026
- Gerhard Wurm, "Traveling to the Origins of the Solar System", Science, Vol. 364, #6437, Apr. 2019, p. 230.
- S. Watanabe et al., "Hayabusa2 Arrives at the Carbonaceous Asteroid 162173 Ryugu - A Spinning Top - Shaped Rubble Pile", Science, Vol. 364, #6437, Apr. 2019, p. 268-272.
- K. Kitazato et al., "The Surface Composition of Asteroid 162173 Ryugu from Hayabusa2 Near-Infrared Spectroscopy", Science, Vol. 364, #6437, Apr. 2019, p. 272-275.
- Craig Tyler, "How to Save the World", Los Alamos 1663, Jan. 2020, p. 10
Disclaimer: These demonstrations are provided only for illustrative use by persons affiliated with The University of Iowa and only under the direction of a trained instructor or physicist. The University of Iowa is not responsible for demonstrations performed by those using their own equipment or who choose to use this reference material for their own purpose. The demonstrations included here are within the public domain and can be found in materials contained in libraries, bookstores, and through electronic sources. Performing all or any portion of any of these demonstrations, with or without revisions not depicted here entails inherent risks. These risks include, without limitation, bodily injury (and possibly death), including risks to health that may be temporary or permanent and that may exacerbate a pre-existing medical condition; and property loss or damage. Anyone performing any part of these demonstrations, even with revisions, knowingly and voluntarily assumes all risks associated with them.