College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
8C10.05 - Cosmological Models
- Silvia Simionato, "Three Redshifts: Doppler, Cosmological, and Gravitational", TPT, Vol. 59, #5, May 2021, p. 333.
- Don Lincoln, "Have Astronomers Found a Star Older Than the Universe?", TPT, Vol. 59, #3, March 2021, p. 154.
- Don Lincoln, "Is Modern Cosmology in Crisis?", TPT, Vol. 58, #4, April 2020, p. 234.
- Robert P. Bauman and Thomas J. Wdowiak, "Cosmological Models", TPT, Vol. 18, #9, Dec. 1980, p. 639.
- Charles H. Lineweaver, Vihan M. Patel, "All Objects and Some Questions", AJP, Vol. 91, #10, Oct. 2023, p. 819.
- Alessandra Candian, Junfeng Zhen, and Alexander G. G. M. Tielens, "The Aromatic Universe", Physics Today, Vol. 71, #11, Nov. 2018, p. 38.
- Jeremiah P. Ostriker, Thorsten Naab, "Theoretical Challenges in Understanding Galaxy Evolution", Physics Today, Vol. 65, #8, Aug. 2012, p. 43.
- Daniel Clery, "A Glimpse of Cosmic Dawn", Science, Vol. 346, Nov. 2014, p. 688.
- S.H. Moseley, "The Other Half of the Universe?", Science, Vol. 346, Nov. 2014, p. 696.
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