College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
9B40.75 - Atomic Force Microscope Model
- William Reitz, "Two Sound Ideas", TPT, Vol. 55, #6, Sept. 2017, p. 378.
- Tyler A. Engstrom, Matthew M. Johnson, Peter C. Eklund, and Timothy J. Russin, "A Computer-Controlled Classrom Model of an Atomic Force Microscope", TPT, Vol. 53, #9, Dec. 2015, p. 536.
- Roland Berger, "The Atomic Force Microscope: A Low‐Cost Model", TPT, Vol. 40, #8, Nov. 2002, p. 502.
- David L. Tran, Paymon Shirazi, Mohanchandra K. Panduranga, Gregory P. Carman, "Cost-Effective Measurement of Magnetostriction in Nanoscale Thin Films Through an Optical Cantilever Displacement Method", AJP, Vol. 91, #6, June 2023, p. 470.
- Kirsten Bonson, Randall L. Headrick, David Hammond, and Michael Hamblin, "Working Model of an Atomic Force Microscope", AJP, Vol. 79, #2, Feb. 2011, p. 189.
- E. Bosma, H. L. Offerhaus, J. T. van der Veen, F. B. Segerink, I. M. van Wessel, "Large Scale Scanning Probe Microscope: Making the Shear-Force Scanning Visible", AJP, Vol. 78, #6, June 2010, p. 562.
- M. Shusteff, T. P. Burg, S. R. Manalis, "Measuring Boltzmann's Constant with a Low-Cost Atomic Force Microscope: An Undergraduate Experiment", AJP, Vol. 74, #10, Oct. 2006, p. 873.
- W. L. Murphy and G. C. Spalding, "Range of Interactions: An Experiment in Atomic and Magnetic Force Microscopy", AJP, Vol. 67, #10, Oct. 1999, p. 905.
- Johanna Miller, "Atomic Force Microscopy Get a Feel for Electron Spin", Physics Today, Vol. 77, #2, Feb. 2024, p. 14.
- Franz J. Giessibl, Calvin F. Quate, "Exploring the Nanoworld with Atomic Force Microscopy", Physics Today, Vol. 59, #12, Dec. 2006, p. 44.
- Charles Day, "Magnetic Resonance Force Microscope Locates a Single Electron Spin Inside a Glass Slab", Physics Today, Vol. 57, #9, Sept. 2004, p. 21.
- Johanna Miller, "Dangling DNA Pinpoints a Protein's Chemical Groups", Physics Today, Vol. 68, Apr. 2015, p. 14
- Andreas Heinrich, "Atomic Spins on Surfaces", Physics Today, Vol. 68, #3, Mar. 2015, p. 42.
- Andrew N. Cleland, "The Versatility of Nanoscale Mechanical Resonators", Physics Today, Vol. 62, #1, Jan. 2009, p. 68.
- Matthew J. Brukman and Dawn A. Bonnell, "Probing Physical Properties at the Nanoscale", Physics Today, Vol. 61, #6, June 2008, p. 36.
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