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Motion in Two Dimensions
Motion in Two Dimensions
Displacement in Two Dimensions
1D10.11 - Vector Toys
1D10.15 - Car on a Moving Sheet - Velocity Addition
1D10.20 - Bicycle Wheel - Cycloid Generator
1D10.40 - Angular Velocity - Bicycle Wheel
Velocity, Position, and Acceleration
1D15.20 - High Road Low Road
1D15.36 - Ball & Incline Demos
1D15.50 - Brachistochrone
1D15.53 - Cycloid Track
Motion of the Center of Mass
1D40.12 - Hammer
1D40.15 - Bola
1D40.30 - Baton
1D40.35 - Binary System
1D40.50 - Air Track Pendulum
Central Forces
1D50.20 - Whirligig/Twirling Weights
1D50.25 - Conical Pendulum
1D50.26 - Conical Pendulum - Flying Pig on a String
1D50.28 - Carnival Ride Model - Swing Ride
1D50.30 - Carnival Ride Model - Cylinder
1D50.33 - Central Forces - Carry a Ball
1D50.40 - Central Forces - Pail of Water - Wine Butler/Waiter's Tray
1D50.45 - Central Forces - Penny & Coat Hanger
1D50.50 - Central Forces - Centripetal Force
1D50.52 - Central Forces - Centripetal Force - 1 to 4 mass ratio
1D50.57 - Central Forces - Ball on Hoop
1D50.60 - Banked Track
1D50.69 - Central Forces Puzzle
Deformation by Central Forces
1D52.10 - Central Forces - Centrifugal Flattening
1D52.20 - Water Parabola
1D52.30 - Water Centrifuge with Cork and Balls
1D52.33 - Rotating Floats in Water
1D52.37 - Centrifuge
1D52.40 - Rotating Candle
Centrifugal Escape
1D55.10 - Central Forces - Broken Ring
1D55.15 - Central Forces - T-Ball on a String
1D55.20 - Tangential Central Forces - Grinding Wheel & Sparks
1D55.30 - Falling Off The Merry-Go-Round
Projectile Motion
1D60.10 - Property of Inertia Demo - Jeep & Gun
1D60.12 - Property of Inertia - Air Track
1D60.20 - Simultaneous Fall - 2nd Law Apparatus
1D60.30 - Shoot the Monkey
1D60.40 - Projectile Motion - Spring Gun
1D60.55 - Parabolic Trajectory on an Incline Plane
1D60.56 - Parabolic Trajectory - Block and Tables
1D60.70 - Parabolic Trajectory - Bomb Run
1D60.75 - Parabolic Falling Droplets - Blood Spatter
1D60.90 - Projectile Motion - "Newton's Cannon" Computer Simulations