4C20.99 - Wood's or Field's Metal - Liquid Metal Alloys

Code Number:
Demo Title:
Wood's or Field's Metal - Liquid Metal Alloys
Low Temperature Melting Point Metals
Area of Study:
Heat & Fluids
Wood's or Field's metal and Cup of boiling or hot water.

Wood's or Field's metal are low temperature melting point metal alloys.  Typically they are formulated to melt at temperatures between 130 and 212 degrees Fahrenheit or 55 to 100 degrees Celsius.  So, if they are made into the shape of a spoon or a stirring rod, they will melt when used to stir a hot cup of coffee, tea, or water.

The typical Wood's metal contains 50% Bismuth, 27.5% Lead, 13.3% Tin, and 10% Cadmium.

The "Galinstan" is a liquid metal alloy made from Gallium, Indium, and Tin, which has a melting point of 10 degrees Celsius or 51 degrees Fahrenheit.  This means that you can put it into the refriderator and "freeze" it to any shape you wish but once you take it out and place it into your hand or let it warm up to room temperature it will return to a liquid.


  • Michael D. Dickey, "Liquid Metals At Room Temperature", Physics Today, Vol. 74, #4, April 2021, p. 30.
  • "Gag with a Spoon", Popular Science, Vol. 27, #2, Feb. 2005, p. 84.
  • Simon Quellen Field, "A Metal That Melts in Hot Water", Gonzo Gizmos, p. 164.

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