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Change of State
Change of State
PVT Surfaces
4C10.10 - P-V-T Model
Phase Changes: Liquid - Solid
4C20.10 - Super Cooling Water
4C20.20 - Ice Bomb
4C20.25 - Change of Volume with Change of State - Melting Iceberg
4C20.30 - Regelation - Cutting Ice Blocks with a Wire
4C20.36 - Liquifying CO2
4C20.40 - Freezing Liquid Nitrogen or Liquid Argon - Reduced Pressure
4C20.50 - Heat of Fusion of Water
4C20.54 - Latent Heat of Fusion
4C20.60 - Heat of Crystallization
4C20.99 - Wood's or Field's Metal - Liquid Metal Alloys
Phase Changes: Liquid - Gas
4C30.10 - Reduced Pressure Boiling
4C30.25 - Geyser - Relaxation Oscillator
4C30.30 - Helium, CO2, and Argon Balloons in Liquid N2
4C30.33 - Ice Stove
4C30.40 - Heat of Vaporization
4C30.80 - Liquid Nitrogen - Making Liquid O2 & Liquid Argon
4C30.90 - Liquid Nitrogen Cloud
Cooling by Evaporation
4C31.20 - Triple Point Demo
4C31.21 - Freezing Water - Reduced Pressure
4C31.30 - Drinking Bird - Relaxation Oscillators
4C31.35 - Cooling By Evaporation
4C31.37 - Franklin's Pulse Glass Engine - Relaxation Oscillators
Dew Point and Humidity
4C32.10 - Wet & Dry Bulb Hygrometer - Sling Psychrometer
4C32.15 - Relative Humidity Indicator - Hygrometer
4C32.21 - Dew Point
4C32.30 - Relative Moisture Meter
Vapor Pressure
4C33.31 - Pressure Cooker
4C33.50 - Franklin's Pulse Glass - Hand Boilers
4C40.10 - Sublimation of Dry Ice
4C40.11 - Screaming Ice--CO2 and Metal Plate
4C40.15 - Change of Volume with Change of State - CO2 or Liq. N2 and a Balloon
Phase Changes: Solid - Solid
4C45.15 - Nitinol Wire
Critical Point
4C50.20 - Critical Opalescence
4C50.30 - Critical Temperature - Sulfur Hexafluoride
4C50.40 - Equiphase Cell