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Support Equipment
6-00.00 - Support Equipment used for Optics
Geometrical Optics
Speed of Light
6A01.05 - Speed of Light - Laser Diode
6A01.10 - Speed of Light
6A01.25 - Audio/Video Communications - Optical Method
6A01.30 - Speed of Light - Rotating Mirror
6A01.39 - Speed of Light - Microwave
Straight Line Propagation
6A02.15 - Straight Line Propagation of Light
Reflection from Flat Surfaces
6A10.10 - Blackboard Optics - Straight Mirrors
6A10.17 - Mirror Box Puzzle
6A10.18 - Microwave Demo - Acute Angle Reflection
6A10.20 - Specular & Diffuse Reflection
6A10.31 - Mirrors - Large Corner Cube Reflector
6A10.35 - Mirrors - Perversion
6A10.39 - Mirrors - Periscope
6A10.40 - Mirrors - Mirrors at an Angle
6A10.42 - Mirrors - Kaleidoscope - Teleidoscope -Polariscope
6A10.45 - Mirrors - Parallel Mirrors and Infinite Images
6A10.57 - Mirrors - Anti-Gravity Mirrors
6A10.59 - Mirrors - Virtual Image
6A10.60 - Mirrors - Candle Under Water and Pepper's Ghost
6A10.67 - Mirror Box
6A10.80 - Chinese "Magic" Mirror
Reflection from Curves Surfaces
6A20.10 - Mirrors - Blackboard Optics - Curved Mirrors
6A20.15 - Mirrors - Blackboard Optics - Curved Mirrors and Colored Rays
6A20.24 - Mirrors - Curved Mirrors, Caustics, and Anamorphic Images
6A20.30 - Mirrors - Image of a Light Bulb
6A20.35 - Mirrors - Image of a Quarter - Optic Mirage
6A20.37 - Mirrors - Pendulum and Hemispherical Mirror
6A20.41 - Mirrors - Projected Image with a Curved Mirror
6A20.45 - Mirrors - Concave, Convex, Large Parabolic, & Store Mirror
6A20.47 - Mirrors - Spherical Reflectors
6A20.50 - Mirrors - Cylindrical Amusement Park Mirrors
6A20.53 - Helical Mirror
Refractive Index
6A40.10 - Apparent Depth - TV & Overhead Projector
6A40.11 - Apparent Depth - Pencil in the Block
6A40.30 - Index of Refraction - Wesson Oil
6A40.33 - Index of Refraction - Glass or Plastic Block, Expanding Crystals
6A40.34 - Index of Refraction - Laser Tape Measure
6A40.36 - Interference - Air and Water (Db. Slit)
6A40.40 - Refraction - Variable Index of Refraction - Mirage
6A40.60 - Schlieren Optics
6A40.62 - Ronchi Rulings
Refraction from Flat Surfaces
6A42.10 - Blackboard Optics - Refraction Block
6A42.20 - Refraction - Laser and Tank
6A42.40 - Refraction - Penny & Cup
6A42.44 - Refraction - Number of Objects
6A42.45 - Refraction - Broken Rod
6A42.51 - Prisms - Prism Glasses
6A42.53 - Blackboard Optics - Prism
6A42.65 - Dispersion of Liquids - Hollow Prism
Total Internal Reflection
6A44.10 - Blackboard Optics - Total Internal Reflection
6A44.20 - Critical Angle - Laser and Tank
6A44.37 - Fiber Optics - Ulexite
6A44.40 - Fiber Optics - Light Pipes & Single Mode Fiber
6A44.40b - Fiber Optics - Multiplexing
6A44.42 - Frustrated Total Internal Reflection - Steal the Signal
6A44.43 - Fiber Optics - Acrylic Tube
6A44.45 - Fiber Optics - Water Stream Light Pipe
6A44.52 - Total Internal Reflection - Laser and Block
6A44.53 - Total Internal Reflection - Two Liquids
6A44.57 - Submerged Light Bulbs
6A46.10 - Rainbow - Water
6A46.16 - Rainbow - Glass Beads, Spheres, and CD's
6A46.30 - Raindrop and Rainbow
Thin Lens
6A60.10 - Thin Lenses - Blackboard Optics
6A60.20 - Parallel Lasers and Lenses
6A60.31 - Thin Lenses - Image Formation - Arrow Projector
6A60.35 - Magnifying Lenses
6A60.49 - Thin Lenses - Focal Points and Focal Lengths
6A61.21 - Pinhole Camera - Pinhole Images
Thick Lens
6A65.10 - Irises and Stops
6A65.20 - Chromatic Aberration
6A65.30 - Distortion - Barrel and Pincushion
6A65.31 - Distortion - Coma
6A65.32 - Rectilinear Lens
6A65.34 - Astigmatism
6A65.40 - Spherical Aberration
6A65.50 - Water Drop Lens - Oil Drop Lens
6A65.52 - Variable Focal Length Lenses
6A65.56 - Thick Lenses - Cylindrical Lenses
6A65.67 - Dragonfly Lens
6A65.70 - Fresnel Lenses
Optical Instruments
6A70.10 - Microscopes
6A70.20 - Telescopes - Optical Rail Models
6A70.22 - Solar Telescope
6A70.23 - Telescopes - Refractors and Reflectors
6A70.24 - Galileoscope and Spyglass Telescope
6A70.28 - Binoculars
6A70.30 - Camera
6A70.45 - Combination Lenses - Doublets & Achromatic Pairs
6B10.00 - Luminosity - Candela - Candle Power
6B10.10 - Inverse Square Law - Point Source
6B10.20 - Inverse Square Law - Diffuse Light Source
6B10.25 - Wien's Law - Planetary Sunlight Intensity
6B10.35 - Paraffin Block - Grease Spot Photometer
6B40.10 - Variac and Light Bulb
6B40.20 - Hole in a Box - Bichsel Boxes
6B40.25 - Hole in a Block
6B40.30 - Black Body Radiation
6B40.55 - Spectrum Vs. Temperature - Wien's Law
Diffraction Through One Slit
6C10.12 - Diffraction - Laser and Cornell Plate
6C10.15 - Diffraction - Laser and Adjustable Slit
6C10.20 - Diffraction - Fingers and Squinting
Diffraction Around Objects
6C20.10 - Poisson's Spot
6C20.18 - Interference Patterns - Water Drop
6C20.20 - Diffraction - Hair and Pins
6C20.30 - Diffraction - Pinhole
6C20.35 - Diffraction Around Objects - Circular and Square Aperture
6C20.40 - Zone Plates
6C20.45 - Microwave Zone Plates
Interference from Two Sources
6D10.10 - Interference - Laser and Cornell Plate (Db. Slit)
6D10.20 - Interference - Microwave (Db. Slit)
6D10.41 - Fresnel Biprism
6D20.10 - Gratings - Cornell Plate
6D20.15 - Gratings - Wavelength of a Laser
6D20.20 - Gratings - Mercury, White Light, and Laser Spectra
6D20.23 - Gratings - Phase or Holographic Gratings
6D20.24 - X-Ray Gratings
6D20.28 - Spectroscopes
6D20.31 - Measuring Wavelength With a Ruler
6D20.32 - CD or DVD Gratings
6D20.35 - Wire Diffraction Grating
6D20.47 - Gratings - Babinet's Principle
6D20.50 - Diffraction - Crossed Screens & EPROMS
Thin Films
6D30.10 - Thin Film Interference - Newton's Rings
6D30.20 - Thin Film Interference - Soap Films
6D30.30 - Thin Film Interference - Air Wedges with Sodium Light
6D30.35 - Thin Film Interference - HeNe Laser and Glass Plates or Wedges
6D30.40 - Thin Film Interference - Pohl's Mica Sheet
6D30.46 - Thin Film Interference - Alcohol Film
6D30.58 - Interference - Dusty Mirror
6D30.80 - Interference - Microscope Slide or Glass Tube
6D30.85 - Interference - Microscope Slide and Soldering Gun
6D40.10 - Michelson Interferometer
6D40.22 - Lloyd's Mirror - Microwave Version
6D40.27 - Lloyd's Mirror - Optical Version
6D40.55 - Fabry - Perot Interferometry
6D40.60 - Optical Doppler Radar
Synthesis and Analysis of Color
6F10.10 - Color Box and Color Mixing
6F10.20 - Filters
6F10.23 - Colors - Additive and Subtractive Primaries
6F10.25 - Color Wheels
6F10.30 - Recombining the Spectrum - Prisms
6F10.45 - Complementary Shadows
6F10.52 - Filtergraph
6F10.61 - Dyes - Transmitted and Reflected
6F10.70 - Conditions for Color
6F40.10 - Distortion due to Atmospheric Scattering
6F40.40 - Wavelength Selective Scattering
6F40.80 - Scattering - Fogged Glass - Halos
Dichroic Polarization
5N10.60 - Electromagnetic Radiation - Radio Transmitter
6H10.10 - Polarization - Crossed Polaroids
6H10.20 - Polarization - Microwave
6H10.40 - Polarization - Polaroid's at 45 Degrees
Polarization by Reflection
6H20.10 - Polarization - Brewster's Angle
Circular Polarization
6H30.10 - Polarization - Three Polaroids
6H30.15 - Quantum Cryptography
6H30.20 - Circular Polarization - Quarter Wave Plate, Polaroid, Mirror, and 3-D Movie Glasses
6H30.30 - Polarization - Karo Syrup Tube
6H30.40 - Polarization - Karo Syrup, Depths of Karo
6H30.45 - Polarization - Quartz
6H30.80 - Faraday Rotation
6H35.15 - Polarization - Calcite & Iceland Spar
6H35.30 - Polarization - Nicol Prisms
6H35.35 - Polarization - Wollaston Prisms
6H35.37 - Polarization - Glan-Thompson Prism
6H35.40 - Quarter and Half Wave Plates
6H35.50 - Polarization - Stress on Plastic and Glass
6H35.51 - Polarization - Ice
6H35.53 - Polarization - Butterfly & Cube - Selenite Designs
6H35.54 - Polarization - Mica
6H35.55 - Polarization - Cellophane
6H35.62 - Liquid Crystal Displays
Polarization by Scattering
6H50.10 - Polarization - Scattering
6H50.15 - Optical Thickness
6H50.20 - Polarization - Tyndall Experiment
6H50.90 - Haidinger's Brush
The Eye
The Eye
6J10.10 - Model of an Eye
6J10.30 - Blind Spot
6J10.50 - Astigmatism Chart
6J10.55 - Eye Glasses
6J10.80 - Optical Resolution - Resolving Power
6J11.10 - Retinal Fatigue - Bidwell's Disc
6J11.11 - Optic Top - Benham's Disk
6J11.20 - Visual Fatigue & Afterimage
6J11.25 - Stereoscopic Vision - Hole in the Hand
6J11.30 - Persistence of Vision - Stroboscopic Disks, Praxinoscope, Thaumatrope, Phenakistoscope, and Zoetrope
6J11.31 - Skywriter
6J11.33 - Persistence of Vision - Magic Screen
6J11.35 - Integration of Light Pulses
6J11.42 - Mach's Bands
6J11.52 - Optical Illusions and 3-D Viewing
6J11.53 - Lenticular Lens or Screen
6J11.55 - Perception - Optic Tops
6J11.56 - Perception - Shades of Gray
6J11.56-B - Perception - Color Perception
6J11.57 - Perception - Near and Far, Spatial Scale - Pointillist Art
6J11.60 - Perception - Depth Perception
6J11.65 - Pulfrich Phenomenon - Pulfrich Pendulum
6J11.70 - Color Blindness
6J11.80 - Eye Charts
Modern Optics
6Q10.10 - Holography
6Q10.60 - Half Silvered Mirrors and Beam Splitters
6Q10.85 - Holograph with Magnifier
9C40.60 - Dielectric Mirrors
Physical Optics
6Q20.10 - Abbe's Theory of Imaging - Optical Fourier Transform