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Support Equipment
1 - 00.00 - Support Equipment used for Mechanics
Basic Units
1A10.10 - Metric vs. English Demos
1A10.30 - Metric vs. English Demos - Yard & Meter - Ruler Scales
1A10.36 - 1 Nanosecond
1A10.37 - Significant Digits
1A10.38 - Body Units -- Estimating Length
1A10.40 - Clocks
1A10.41 - Geochron
1A10.42 - Atomic Clocks
1A10.45 - WWV Signal
1A10.49 - 24 Hr Sidereal Clock
1A10.50 - Metric vs. English Demos--Quart & Liter
1A10.51 - Cubic Meter
1A10.57 - Volume Relationship
1A10.60 - Avogadro's Number
1A10.80 - Metric vs. English Demos - Temp Scales
Error and Accuracy
1A20.10 - Gaussian Probability Curve - Bell Curve - Galton Board
1A20.20 - Statistics and Probability - Coin Flip
1A20.22 - Statistics and Probability - The Monty Hall Problem
1A20.25 - Statistics and Probability - Dice
1A20.27 - Statistics and Probability - Ping Pong Balls
1A20.28 - Statistics and Probability - Chirality
1A20.30 - Statistics and Probability - Sports
1A20.40 - Calipers
1A20.41 - Vernier Calipers - Vernier Scale
1A20.46 - Optical Flat
Coordinate Systems
1A30.40 - Chalk Globe
1A40.10 - Vector Demos
Math Topics
1A50.10 - Radian Disk
1A50.20 - Optical Lever Arms
1A50.40 - Analog Calculator
1A50.60 - Dirac Strings
1A50.70 - Slide Rules
1A50.75 - Curved Surfaces
1A50.85 - Topology - Cosmic Coil
1A50.90 - Math Toys - Rubik's Cube
9A10.12 - Protractors
1A60.10 - Powers of 10
1A60.15 - Scaling - Drawing in Perspective
1A60.22 - Scaling - Zoological Domain
1A60.45 - Hoberman Devices
Motion in One Dimension
1C10.05 - Ultrasonic Detector & Student - Car
1C10.10 - Car on a Moving Sheet - Velocity Addition and Subtraction
1C10.20 - Dynamics Carts - Pasco
1C10.25 - Air Track - Constant Velocity
1C10.62 - Time of Flight
Uniform Acceleration
1C20.10 - Free-Fall in a Vacuum (Penny and Feather Demo)
1C20.15 - Free-Fall - Dropping Balls
1C20.16 - Free-Fall - Drop a Ball and Paper
1C20.18 - Free-Fall and Air Resistance
1C20.20 - Free-Fall - Time Intervals
1C20.30 - Inclined Air Track - Timed Intervals
1C20.37 - Inclined Tracks - Timed Intervals
1C20.40 - Inclined Track - Timed Intervals
1C20.75 - Fan Carts
Measuring g
1C30.16 - Free-Fall Apparatus
1C30.35 - Picket Fence and Photogate
1C30.42 - Falling Drops
1C30.55 - Reaction Times
1C30.57 - Balance A Stick - Reaction Time
Motion in Two Dimensions
Displacement in Two Dimensions
1D10.11 - Vector Toys
1D10.15 - Car on a Moving Sheet - Velocity Addition
1D10.20 - Bicycle Wheel - Cycloid Generator
1D10.40 - Angular Velocity - Bicycle Wheel
Velocity, Position, and Acceleration
1D15.20 - High Road Low Road
1D15.36 - Ball & Incline Demos
1D15.50 - Brachistochrone
1D15.53 - Cycloid Track
Motion of the Center of Mass
1D40.12 - Hammer
1D40.15 - Bola
1D40.30 - Baton
1D40.35 - Binary System
1D40.50 - Air Track Pendulum
Central Forces
1D50.20 - Whirligig/Twirling Weights
1D50.25 - Conical Pendulum
1D50.26 - Conical Pendulum - Flying Pig on a String
1D50.28 - Carnival Ride Model - Swing Ride
1D50.30 - Carnival Ride Model - Cylinder
1D50.33 - Central Forces - Carry a Ball
1D50.40 - Central Forces - Pail of Water - Wine Butler/Waiter's Tray
1D50.45 - Central Forces - Penny & Coat Hanger
1D50.50 - Central Forces - Centripetal Force
1D50.52 - Central Forces - Centripetal Force - 1 to 4 mass ratio
1D50.57 - Central Forces - Ball on Hoop
1D50.60 - Banked Track
1D50.69 - Central Forces Puzzle
Deformation by Central Forces
1D52.10 - Central Forces - Centrifugal Flattening
1D52.20 - Water Parabola
1D52.30 - Water Centrifuge with Cork and Balls
1D52.33 - Rotating Floats in Water
1D52.37 - Centrifuge
1D52.40 - Rotating Candle
Centrifugal Escape
1D55.10 - Central Forces - Broken Ring
1D55.15 - Central Forces - T-Ball on a String
1D55.20 - Tangential Central Forces - Grinding Wheel & Sparks
1D55.30 - Falling Off The Merry-Go-Round
Projectile Motion
1D60.10 - Property of Inertia Demo - Jeep & Gun
1D60.12 - Property of Inertia - Air Track
1D60.20 - Simultaneous Fall - 2nd Law Apparatus
1D60.30 - Shoot the Monkey
1D60.40 - Projectile Motion - Spring Gun
1D60.55 - Parabolic Trajectory on an Incline Plane
1D60.56 - Parabolic Trajectory - Block and Tables
1D60.70 - Parabolic Trajectory - Bomb Run
1D60.75 - Parabolic Falling Droplets - Blood Spatter
1D60.90 - Projectile Motion - "Newton's Cannon" Computer Simulations
Relative Motion
Moving Reference Frames
1E10.10 - Frames of Reference - Car and Moving Sheet
1E10.20 - Frames of Reference
1E10.21 - Frames of Reference - Ballistic Cart & Camera
1E10.31 - Ruler on a Wheel or Cylinder
Rotating Reference Frames
1E20.10 - Foucault Pendulum
1E20.17 - Spirograph
1E20.21 - Rotating Frame - O.H. Transparency Model
Coriolis Effect
1E30.28 - Coriolis Effect
Newton's First Law
Measuring Inertia
1F10.10 - Inertial Balance
1F10.15 - Oscillation Balance
Inertia of Rest
1F20.10 - Inertia of Rest - Mass and String
1F20.11 - Inertia of Rest - Bowling Ball
1F20.13 - Inertia of Rest - Paper - Tug of War
1F20.14 - Inertia of Rest - Tissue Paper Roll
1F20.20 - Smash Your Hand
1F20.25 - Bed of Nails - Smash a Block
1F20.30 - Inertia of Rest - Glass of Water
1F20.33 - Inertia of Rest - Cylinder
1F20.34 - Inertia of Rest - Coin/Card Snap - Daruma Otoshi
1F20.35 - Egg and Pizza Pan
1F20.36 - Embroidery Hoop and Pen
1F20.40 - Stick and Wine Glasses
1F20.55 - Inertia of Rest - Inertia Hat
1F20.60 - Tighten a Hammer Head - Knife & Potato
Inertia of Motion
1F30.20 - Inertia of Motion - Standing Pulse - Chain
1F30.21 - Water Hammer
1F30.25 - Inertia of Motion - Air Track & Homer
1F30.40 - Drive a Nail by Hand
Newton's Second Law
Force, Mass, and Acceleration
1G10.10 - Uniform Acceleration due to Earth's Gravity - Air Track
1G10.30 - Acceleration - Mass on a Scale
1G10.40 - Atwood's Machine
1G10.47 - Modified Atwoods Machine
1G10.51 - Car vs. Motorcycle vs. Jet Acceleration
Accelerated Reference Frames
1G20.10 - Candle in a Bottle
1G20.21 - Cartesian Diver Drop
1G20.30 - Leaky Cup Drop
1G20.38 - Einstein's Birthday Present
1G20.40 - Springs & Weights or Bucket & Elastic
1G20.45 - Dropped Slinky
1G20.50 - Magnet & Keeper
1G20.60 - Elevator Physics
1G20.70 - Uniform Acceleration - Liquid Accelerometer & Dynamics Cart
1G20.76 - Float Accelerometer - Suspended Ball or Balloon Accelerometers
1G20.79 - Accelerometer - Vibrating Ruler & Coin plus Others
Complex Systems
1G30.30 - Hourglass
Newton's Third Law
Action and Reaction
1H10.10 - Push Me - Pull Me Carts
1H10.15 - Action-Reaction on Air Track
1H10.20 - Fan Cart & Sails
1H10.25 - Helicopter Rotor
1H10.30 - Rocket Car
1H10.35 - Bend a Wall
1H10.40 - Burp Gun & Potato Gun
1H11.10 - Cart & Medicine Ball
1H11.20 - Tennis Ball Cannon - T-Shirt Cannon
Large Scale Outdoor Measurements
Large Scale Outdoor Measurements
1I10.10 - Amusement Park Physics
1I10.20 - Physics of Automobiles
1I10.30 - Measurements in Airplanes or Jets
1I10.40 - Physics of Trains
1I10.42 - Friction and Trains
1I10.50 - Physics of Ships
Statics of Rigid Bodies
Finding Center of Gravity
1J10.09 - Center of Mass Demo
1J10.10 - Map of a State
1J10.12 - Wooden Plates
1J10.25 - Weight of a Meter Stick / Torque Method
1J10.30 - Meter Stick on Fingers
1J10.33 - Balancing Coin
1J10.35 - Meterstick on Rotating Shafts
Exceeding Center of Gravity
1J11.10 - Leaning Tower Demo
1J11.15 - Incline and Tipping Block
1J11.20 - 2 x 4 Tower
1J11.30 - Tipping Boat
1J11.40 - Human Center of Gravity
Stable, Unstable, and Neutral Equilibrium
1J20.05 - Gömböc - Stable and Unstable Equilibrium
1J20.10 - Stable, Unstable, and Neutral Equilibrium
1J20.30 - Sky Hook
1J20.31 - Hinged Stick Paradox
1J20.32 - Hang Spoon on Nose
1J20.35 - Bird, Plane, and Circus Clown
1J20.60 - Wine Butler
1J20.65 - Balancing Soda Can
1J20.70 - Rolling Uphill
1J20.80 - Rolling Cylinders - Train Wheels Rims
Resolution of Forces
1J30.10 - Resolution of Forces on an Inclined Plane
1J30.20 - Tension in a String
1J30.22 - Tension in a Spring
1J30.23 - Tension in a Spring - Parallel and Series Scales
1J30.25 - Forces on a String - Three Students and a Rope
1J30.30 - Break a Wire With a Hinge
1J30.50 - Force Table, Vertical and Horizontal
1J30.60 - Sailing Against the Wind - Air Track
1J30.70 - Rice in a Tube
1J30.75 - Stand on Eggs
Static Torque
1J40.10 - Grip Bar
1J40.15 - Torque Wrench
1J40.20 - Torque Beam
1J40.40 - Loaded Beam
1J40.50 - Roberval Balance
1J40.70 - Crane and Crane Boom
Applications of Newton's Laws
Dynamic Torque
1K10.20 - Ladder Forces
1K10.30 - Walk The Spool
1K10.40 - Tricycle
1K10.50 - Rolling a Disc Uphill
1K20.10 - Friction Blocks
1K20.11 - Tug of War
1K20.14 - Variable Friction - Dynamics Track or Air Track
1K20.25 - Phone Book Friction
1K20.35 - Inclined Plane - Angle of Repose
1K20.36 - Inclined Plane - Acceleration of a Block
1K20.37 - Static Friction - Rolling Wheel
1K20.42 - Rolling and Sliding Friction
1K20.70 - Falling Bottle Capstan
1K20.76 - Climbing Monkey
1K20.90 - Air Track/Platform Friction
1K30.10 - Bed of Nails - Stand on Dixie Cups
Universal Gravitational Constant
1L10.30 - Cavendish Balance
1L20.10 - Gravity Well - Black Hole
1L20.25 - String Unwinding From a Pole - Relaxation Oscillator
1L20.30 - Escape Velocity (Escape from a Gravity Well)
1L20.40 - Conical Sections
1L20.50 - Ellipse Maker
1L20.60 - Kepler's Laws
1L20.66 - Orbits on the Overhead/Mass Spectrometer Model
Work and Energy
1M10.10 - Ball or Block on a Shelf
1M10.16 - Lift or Carry a Block
1M10.20 - Pile Driver
Simple Machines
1M20.11 - Pulleys and Pulley Systems
1M20.20 - Block & Tackle
1M20.36 - Work of a Screw
1M20.37 - Archimedes' Screw
1M20.40 - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Class Levers
1M20.60 - Wheel & Axle
1M20.65 - Non-Circular Wheels
Non-Conservative Forces
1M30.30 - Wood Pecker
Conservation of Energy
1M40.10 - Large Classroom Pendulum
1M40.12 - Tension in a Pendulum String
1M40.15 - Stopped Pendulum
1M40.20 - Loop-the-Loop
1M40.25 - Gravity Rail with Hill - Potential Wells
1M40.30 - Gravity Rail
1M40.37 - Slingshots
1M40.41 - Ballistic Pendulum
1M40.42 - Ballistic Pendulum - Sliding Block
1M40.43 - Work of a Bow or Crossbow
1M40.50 - Yo-Yo's and Maxwell's Wheel - Speed of Translation
1M40.63 - Spring = X-Squared Energy Dependence
1M40.64 - Spring Gun and Dart Set - Air Track & Carts
1M40.65 - Spring Gun and Balls of Different Mass
1M40.67 - Spring Jumper & Compression Spring
1M40.73 - Air Track - Damped Mechanical Oscillator - Energy
1M40.74 - Incline and Cart
1M40.90 - Celts or Rattle Backs
1M40.91 - High Bounce Paradox - Hopper Popper, Jumping Pencil, Slap Bracelet, etc.
1M40.94 - Fiddlesticks or Gyro Ring, and Hula Hoop
1M40.95 - Trebuchet
1M40.97 - Catapult
1M40.99 - Onager
Mechanical Power
1M50.20 - Bicycle Power - Bicycle Drive Train
Linear Momentum and Collisions
Impulse and Thrust
1N10.11 - Impulse - Time of contact
1N10.20 - Eggs in a Sheet
1N10.30 - Impulse Demo - Dropping Beaker/Eggs
1N10.75 - Pulse Jet Engine
Conservation of Linear Momentum
1N20.10 - See-Saw Center of Mass
1N20.15 - Center of Mass - Platform
1N20.20 - Conservation of Linear Momentum - Air Track
1N20.40 - Pop Pop Boat
Mass and Momentum Transfer
1N21.20 - Air Track - Mass & Momentum Transfer
1N22.00 - Rockets
1N22.10 - Rocket Car - Fire Extinguisher
1N22.20 - Water Rocket
1N22.23 - Air Track - Air Track Rocket
1N22.25 - Balloon Rockets
1N22.33 - Rocket Car - Little Cart
1N22.35 - Pop Bottle Alcohol Rocket
1N22.51 - Firehose Instability
1N22.90 - Altitude or Height Measurments
Collisions in One Dimension
1N30.10 - Newton Spheres, Clackers
1N30.15 - Newton's Trough
1N30.21 - Elastic & Inelastic Collision of Solids - Balls
1N30.30 - Elastic & Inelastic Collision of Solids - Air Track
1N30.45 - Inelastic Collision - Speed of a Ball
1N30.50 - Impulse Demo - Elastic and Inelastic Pendulum
1N30.60 - Tennis Ball and Basketball
1N30.62 - Multiple Ball Drop - Astro-Blaster (TM)
Collisions in Two Dimensions
1N40.15 - Coin Collisions
1N40.20 - Air Table Collisions
1N40.60 - Superball
Rotational Dynamics
Moment of Inertia
1Q10.10 - Inertial Wands
1Q10.30 - Moments of Inertia - Hoops and Disks
1Q10.65 - Moment of Inertia of a Ball
1Q10.75 - Parallel Axis Wheels
Rotational Energy
1Q20.10 - Angular Momentum Machine
1Q20.15 - Angular Momentum - Rotating Air Table
1Q20.20 - Moments of Inertia - Angular Acceleration Wheel
1Q20.30 - Rolling Spool - Axles
1Q20.46 - Moments of Inertia - Energy of Translation
1Q20.50 - Falling Chimney
1Q20.65 - Falling Pencil or Rod
Transfer of Angular Momentum
1Q30.40 - Fluctuating Magnetic Fields/Cons. of Angular Momentum
1Q30.90 - Magic Windmill
Conservation of Angular Momentum
1Q40.10 - Cons. of Angular Momentum Demo - Stool and Weights
1Q40.20 - Cons. of Angular Momentum Demos - Squeezatron
1Q40.22 - Conservation of Angular Momentum - Hoberman Sphere
1Q40.30 - Cons. of Angular Momentum Demo - Stool and Bicycle Wheel
1Q40.40 - Action-Reaction Demo - Train Demo
1Q40.50 - Action-Reaction Demo - Pocket Watch - Tail Wags the Dog
1Q40.57 - Cons. of Angular Momentum - Air Table
1Q40.60 - Cons. of Angular Momentum - Ball or Cylinder Paper Pull
1Q40.70 - Cons. of Angular Momentum - Vortex Cone
1Q40.85 - Feynman Reverse Sprinkler
1Q40.90 - Acoustic Propulsion - Feynman Sprinkler (Acoustic Version)
1Q50.01 - Precession - Bicycle Wheels, Gyroscopes, and Tops
1Q50.20 - Bicycle Wheel - On Stand
1Q50.21 - Bicycle Wheels - Suspended
1Q50.25 - Double Wheel Gyro
1Q50.40 - Suitcase Gyro
1Q50.56 - Ball On A Rotating Turntable
1Q50.70 - Gyroscopes
1Q50.72 - Gyroscopes - Ship Stabilizer
1Q50.90 - Maxwell's Tops
Rotational Stability
1Q60.16 - Old Fashioned Top
1Q60.25 - Euler's Disk & Wobbler
1Q60.30 - Tippy Top
1Q60.35 - Football
1Q60.36 - Spinning Eggs
1Q60.38 - Spinning Double Spheres
1Q60.40 - Stable and Unstable Axis of Rotation - Toss the Block
1Q60.51 - Spinning Loop - String Shooter
1Q60.81 - Dynamic Balancing - Tensor
1Q60.85 - Balancing - Spin a Penny
Properties of Matter
Hooke's Law
1R10.10 - Hooke's Law Demo
1R10.15 - The Suspended Slinky
Tensile and Compressive Stress
1R20.11 - Stress - Elastic Limits
1R20.15 - Young's Modulus
1R20.28 - Smashing Spheres - Aluminum Foil
1R20.70 - Prince Rupert's Drops
Shear Stress
1R30.20 - Shear - Foam Block
1R30.21 - Shear - Bend a Rod
1R30.30 - Shear - Spring Cubes, Crystal Lattice
1R30.40 - Horizontal Torsion Apparatus - Rod
Coefficient of Restitution
1R40.10 - Coefficient of Restitution
1R40.30 - Happy - Unhappy Balls
Crystal Structure
1R50.20 - Crystal Models and Lattices
1R50.24 - Crystals - Mirror Images and Symmetry
1R50.30 - Crystals, Crystal Structure, Atomic Planes, & Metals
1R50.31 - Snow and Ice Crystals
1R50.40 - Faults in a Crystal
9C40.40 - Fused Quartz